Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Brain Box

In our focus on countries, I have found a game that helps us learn more about the country as well as practicing memory techniques.  Each box has a set of cards about the different English speaking countries.  On one side there are pictures and facts about the place.  For example, in the United States box, each card is a state.  Each card has information about the state.  On the back of each card are 8 questions that pertain to the information on the front of the card.  They are given a certain amount of time to look at the cards, then they have to turn them over so only the questions are visible.  Then they roll the dice to pick a question and answer without looking at the front of the cards. It is an excellent game for refining memory techniques.  The information about the countries is also very well organized, in small chunks, so that the students are not overwhelmed with too many facts at one time.  We will also use the cards as information sources for our country projects.

Story Dice

Hello all!  I thought I would post a couple of the different things we have been doing.  We are still working on the countries for the most part, but I do like to include games that practice vocabulary, story telling, and that encourage the children to use more than their everyday English.  One of these games uses a series of dice, 9 of them, that have pictures on each side.  You throw the dice and then make up a story using the pictures that come up.  We do this in several different combinations so that the students do not get too comfortable with any one combination.  Sometimes they do the story themselves, or we take turns, so that they are forced to The stories can be very interesting!   

Sunday, September 23, 2012


If you have not turned in an application for this year, please do so!  Every year you need to turn in new ones, so please try to get that taken care of, pretty please :)


While I am on a roll about the book thing, I would also like to take the chance to talk about e-books.  I am a big book nerd, and I was the last to believe I would go the way of the e-book.  But I got the Kindle app for my phone, then the Kindle, and I am sold!  I still love paper books, but as many of you may have experienced, paper books in English here are a bit more expensive and there is not always the greatest selection at the stores, unless you go Internet bookstore.  E-books to the rescue!  And contrary to popular belief you do not need an e-reader to read them!!!  I have the Kindle reader program on my phone, computer and tablet as well as my Kindle.  And there are other programs available as well.  And children's books are available in e-book format, usually at a lower price than the paper versions.  It is also possible to borrow e-books from Swedish libraries.  I can not attest to their selection because I have not tested it myself, but it is worth it to ask at your local library. 

Book Recommendations

Many you have asked me for book recommendations and I have tried to do my best, hopefully you agree :)

But I wanted to give you all a tip about a web site that I absolutely love.  It is a site dedicated to books.  Here you can find almost every book under the sun.  There are summaries, reviews, book lists and more.  The book lists are one feature that I have appreciated.  If you search for children's library recommendations, or books kids should read in grade ?? etc you can find tons and tons of good books.  And the best part is you can see what other parents have said about each book.

Anyway, I hope that some of you find the site useful.  Some of my older students have already started using it, and they have found many books that they like :)

The site is:

And for those of you that are addicted to modern technology, there is an  app for both iPhone and iPad as well as Android phones and tablets.

English Speaking Countries

For the first part of this school year we will be focusing on English Speaking Countries.  One of the main focuses of home language study is to retain and develop the cultural aspects of the home country as well.  Not just the language.  So we are looking at the countries that speak English :).  We are focusing on the ones that have English as an official language, but are even addressing those that don't, but still have a strong English tradition. 

We are starting with several travel books that I found which were written for children.  Most of the countries are represented.  After some reading, we will move on to various work sheets about the countries.  Eventually, the children will be asked to choose one to three countries to focus on for a project.  This will later be presented to the others in their group. 

Here is a link to the books that we are using:

Schedule 2012-2013

Welcome back everyone!!!

I hope everyone had a great summer!  Now it is time to start with the school year again, well a bit past time, but as you all know that is usual for home language :).

I am posting the schedule here so everyone can see it.  If you are not sure which group your child is in, please contact me.  I am of course not allowed to post any names here on the blog.


Karstorp 14:00-14:45
Fladäng 15:15-16:00


Annelund 13:15-13:45
Alleskolan 14:15-15:00
Piläng 1 15:15- 16:00
Piläng 2 16:00-16:45


Löddesnäs 14:15-15:00
Bjärehov 1 15:15-16:00
Bjarehov 2 16:00-16:45


Lackalänga 12:45-13:15
Ljungenskola 13:30-14:15
Olympia 14:30-15:15
Rinnebäck 15:30-16:15


Nyvångskolan 14:00-14:45
Barsebäck 15:00-15:45

In Lomma you have all hopefully gotten the Welcome Letters from respective schools.  In Kävlinge, I have contacted you via email.

I still have some pre-schools in Kävlinge that need to be added to the schedule.  We are trying to work out the best times still, after school or perhaps during.  

If there are any problems with the schedule please let me know.  But as I have told many of you before, I can not change the schedule to accommodate extracurricular activities like sports, music lessons, etc.  The only things I can take into account are school schedules and to a certain point, fritids or after school care.